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The midfielder’s words: “In front of the cameras, I’m still a bit awkward. I get emotional, it’s one of my first times. “Ranieri treats it as if it were his first project”

One of this year’s symbols of Roma, Niccolò Pisilli, decided to narrate his story on the Instagram profile of Locker Room Chronicles. In fact, the Giallorossi midfielder is a communication student and has a great fondness for journalism. Here are his words in a post written by himself:

Journalism: “I’m studying Communication Science and I’ve just begun my second year. I would like to create videos that tell the story of football. It seems like you forgot to provide a text block to be translated. Please provide the text so I can assist you better. Or perhaps, the correspondent. At the first goal of my career, I cried, I couldn’t hold back the tears. In front of the cameras, I still struggle a bit. I get emotional, it’s one of my first times. You didn’t provide any text to translate. Could you please provide the necessary details? “The final scudetto in Primavera: “When I celebrate, I act on instinct, it comes naturally to me. I don’t realize it, I just let my emotions take over, like after losing the Scudetto final in Primavera. That is a wound which still lingers. It was the end of his juvenile journey: when you enter at 8 years old, you see the Primavera league as the pinnacle of your career path. “Playing in the final after a decade-long journey was a dream. Winning it would have been like etching a small piece of history.” On De Rossi: “De Rossi was special to me. He gave me the opportunity to play my first game as a starter in Serie A and show what my worth could be.” “Despite not playing often, he gave me numerous speeches at every training. I received his esteem for me from there, and that is worth more than a thousand other things.”

On Ranieri: “Ranieri has brought back enthusiasm and much serenity. He has a career behind him that speaks for itself, yet he works as if it were his first project.” You didn’t provide any text to translate. Please provide the text.

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