0 3 min 2 yrs

Pharaoh is back, in better shape than ever. Stephan El Shaarawy with the goal scored at La Spezia has taken back the stage he had left for some months now (last goal against Verona on 31 October). The outside took advantage of the absence of Zaniolo and Pellegrini and put himself at the service of the team, with a surrender above expectations: he phrased with Dybala, triggered the Joya and did not be intimidated by one on one. A revitalized footballer and if necessary also useful to replace Zalewski or Spinazzola on the left in the role of a low outside. Mourinho, speaking of Nicolò in the post game in La Spezia, said it is unfair to leave on the bench footballers who give everything in training.

The renewal
El Shaarawy is one of them, an element that has never created problems, even in this period that is very delicate for him. He has the contract expiring and he’s not arguing with the company. He is waiting for Tiago Pinto to call his brother Prosecutor Manuel to discuss a possible renewal. Perhaps, it will happen in the coming weeks when the Zaniolo knot will be dissolved and certainly the proposal will be down from the 3.5 million it currently receives. Not a dilemma because Stephan after having cashed the Chinese millions from 2019 to 2021 playing at the Shanghai Shenhua, would also be ready to reduce the engagement. Not by half, but by a figure that can meet budgetary needs. His goal, in fact, is to stay in the capital and play his cards. What could happen next Sunday when the Giallorossi face Napoli at Maradona. Celik is disqualified, Zaniolo unavailable and Pellegrini is not at his best. It’s possible that El Shaarawy will take the captain’s place if he doesn’t make it, or play on the left in place of Zalewski who will be diverted to the right.