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You didn’t provide a specific text for me to translate. Could you please provide the text you want translated? Rome is Italy’s capital and from a sports perspective, it boasts two entities – Roma and Lazio. Lazio holds the title of being the first team of the capital, at the very least in the historical records. I cannot discern the purpose behind the City of Rome’s querying its citizens about why Dybala has stayed in Rome. What could be the rationale behind comprehending why a player chooses to stay or not stay? I take note of this survey, but I find it misplaced from the standpoint of the function of the City of Rome. I would be concerned with conducting surveys on how services are working: healthcare, traffic management. “I believe this is far more significant, than addressing why Dybala remained in Rome,” quips Lotito. As of 5:30 pm today, among the four proposals offered by the channel’s management, the most popular one has garnered over 1. You didn’t provide any text to translate. Please provide the text so I can assist you.

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