0 3 min 2 yrs

The needs are common to all the teams: Covid has bequeathed accounts that do not allow men market to spend and spread, but lead them to look for solutions at low cost, indeed if possible at no cost. And so between companies it’s all about trading, dry loans or at most redemption rights.

An example comes from the speeches standing between Toro and Rome. The Giallorossi are among the clubs that have to sell a usual chorus to buy, but they are also looking for a midfielder. Among the profiles followed by the Capitoline is Sasa Lukic (today in the test against Almeria, given the simultaneous unavailability of Linetty and Ricci, the Serbian could play at least one segment of the game).

The cost of the midfielder’s card is around 15 million euros, in line with the value of a fixed point of Toro and the Serbian national team. In Qatar he played all three games in which Stojkovic’s selection took part, eliminated after the defeat against Rodriguez’s Switzerland in the third round of the group. Well, Roma have a defender in pink who has costs similar to those needed to buy Lukic: Marash Kumbulla, a central player just 22 years old, was taken in 2020 for 13.5 million plus 3.5 bonus. Money paid to Verona. And where, with mutual satisfaction, he had the good fortune to work with Juric.

Roma’s proposal is consistent with the initial speech, the response of the grenades as well. Cairo and Vagnati are interested in Kumbulla and do not blinded Lukic, indeed, but would like to receive the first loan with right, yielding the second for money. The Giallorossi, at most, can fix Kumbulla a ransom loan, allowing Toro to postpone the defender’s payment. Shomurodov cannot be the attacker capable of shifting the balance of the negotiations. Also because on this front the intention of Rome is clear: monetize immediately, or through the usual compulsory loan.