0 2 min 8 mths

In a poignant social media post, Andrea Belotti’s wife, Giorgia Duro, bid an emotional farewell to Rome, hinting at the striker’s potential permanent departure from the club.

Belotti, currently on loan at Fiorentina, appears to be severing ties with Roma as he closed the doors of his residence in Casal Palocco, previously inhabited by former Roma players Paredes and Bruno Peres. The closure of the villa signals the conclusion of Belotti’s chapter in the Italian capital, marking the end of an era.

Giorgia Duro, visibly moved by the farewell, took to Instagram to express her sentiments, reflecting on her time in Rome and the profound connections forged during their stay. She wrote, “When I arrived, I felt empty and disoriented. Today, after a year and a half, that emptiness I had perfectly filled has become a chasm. For the first time, I welcomed into my home people who became family, and saying goodbye to them today was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.”

Her heartfelt message resonated with followers as she pondered the difficulty of leaving behind fragments of her heart scattered throughout the city. Despite the emotional departure, Duro expressed gratitude for the enriching experiences and meaningful relationships cultivated during their time in Rome.

As Belotti’s future remains uncertain, with rumors swirling about a permanent move away from Roma, Duro’s poignant farewell serves as a poignant reminder of the emotional toll of farewells in the world of football.

Stay tuned for further developments as the saga surrounding Belotti’s future continues to unfold.

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